Rust is now one of the fastest-adopted programming languages and the best alternative to C in embedded development (where modern high-level languages such as Python, Java, and other languages could not run).
How Rust went from a side project to the world’s most-loved programming language
On Rust-lang adoption based on git-hub adoption
Rust is also recommended for secure software development by the NSA & The White House.
Back to the building blocks: A path toward secure and measurable software
The Translating All C to Rust (TRACTOR) financed by DARPA
In terms of adoptions by big players - Rust is getting traction: the first non-C programming language accepted in the Linux kernel (for safety reasons); Google, Amazon, Microsoft and many others are using Rust to rewrite safety-critical components.
Why Rust is actually good for your car.
The reality of AUTOSAR and the way forward
Rust: An open-source language on its way into the software-defined vehicle
Rust developers at Google are twice as productive as C++ teams
Rust is a modern general-purpose programming language that prevents memory issues at compile-time - reducing memory access-related issues without needing heavy additional tooling. It is memory-safe, type-safe, thread-safe & provides execution speed and memory footprint similar to C.
For more technical insights into Rust - check out our WhitePaper on Rust.