Direct classic competition (OS and tools) - the current leaders include:
Vector Informatik (MICROSAR.OS) - classic AUTOSAR based Embedded OS + tools + services. Vector uses complex legacy systems that have been patched up over time and retrofitted. They are working to retrofit and add Rust-lang support.
Unlike Vektor, we are building and OS developed 100% in Rust-lang.
Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (EB tresos Safety OS) - classic AUTOSAR based Embedded OS + tools + services. They are also using old tooling and software stacks.
Unlike Elektrobit, we are building and OS developed 100% in Rust-lang.
ETAS Group / Bosch (RTA-OS) - classic AUTOSAR-based Embedded OS + tools + services.
They are also using old tooling and software stacks, similar to the solutions from Vector.
Unlike ETAS, we are building and OS developed 100% in Rust-lang.
Start-ups that are developing products in the same space:
ApexAI - new generation operating system, based on ROS, aimed at powerful chips and mostly ADAS / AI applications.
Compared with Apex - our solution can run on smaller chips and adresses more used cases.
Eatron Tehnologies - new generation ECUs - software + hardware - focus in BMS (Battery Management Systems)
Compared with Eatron - our solution has a broader scope, albeit it might not be as performant and “plug and play ready” for the BMS use cases that Eatron is focused on.
Sonatus - with a focus on middleware
Compared with Sonatus - we are building the underling layer.
AuroraLabs - addressing the embedded software challenges by automatically rewriting code;
Compared with AuroraLabs - they are using AI tools to rewrite legacy code. We are providing a way to (1) build new code faster, based on Rust-lang and (2) wrap-up around legacy code adding additional safety and security.
Veecle - recently pivoted from building a Rust-based operating system - to building middleware;
While we were initially competitors, we are now complementary - as they are focusing on middleware and communication stack, and we on the underlying layer.